

Project Evolve


What we will do and why

Ensuring our processes and systems deliver cost efficiencies, improved customer services and support our RIIO-ED2 commitments. We are delivering an improved work management solution to support our field staff; ensuring work delivered more efficiently and data is captured more effectively. Alongside this, we are improving and upgrading our customer and supplier relationship management applications to improve interactions with our customers and our suppliers.

Key deliverables

  • Upgrade and enhancement of enterprise systems.

Target outcomes

  • Reduction in repetitive tasks through automation and simplification.
  • Improved accuracy in information captured.
  • Improved planning and scheduling.
  • Streamlined customer journey.
  • Improved Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) platform.

Measures of success

  • Customer satisfaction score.
  • Improvement in operational response and efficiency.
  • Improved employee engagement.
  • Reduction in cost to serve.

Stakeholder Engagement

We have engaged end users and customers to define pain points via focus groups and process reviews to inform the requirements and project scope. The focus on Work Manager and relationship management functionality has been devised in response to feedback from stakeholders, detailing necessary improvements in this area. Stakeholders have been involved in the vendor selection process already, and will be consulted throughout design and development, with ongoing comms to ensure that the adoption of the new solution is a positive experience for employees.

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Agree Work Manager delivery strategy/model (Jul 2023)
  • Approved plan for Supplier Relationship Management changes (Jan 2024)
  • Work Manager product and service integration procurement (Jun 2024)
  • Approved plan for customer relationship changes (Jun 2024)
  • Work Manager pilot Go Live (Nov 2024)
  • Work Manager Go Live (Mar 2025)
  • Hypercare and ongoing support (Dec 2025)


On Track

Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

The target date for this project remains the same even though two milestones have been delayed as the due diligence and technical assessment which is part of the procurement process are taking longer than expected.

24.12.2023 Update

Have added additional detail to all milestones following more granular scoping exercises this month. The description, outcomes and measures have also been updated with more detail, but overall dates and objectives remain the same. A stakeholder engagement section has also been added.