

Customer facing self support Project (Voltage Report)


What we will do and why

New online form so customers can report voltage issues.

Key deliverables

  • New online form.

Target outcomes

  • Enhanced customer experience as it’s now quicker and easier to report voltage issues.
  • Increased customer satisfaction as customers can now self-serve.

Measures of success

  • Reduction in complaints from customers reporting voltage issues.
  • Higher percentage of customers choosing to self-serve rather than call to report a voltage issue.

Stakeholder Engagement

We ran sessions with agents to gather feedback on the types of issues and enquries that customers report.

We analysed chat bot conversations, on average 2000 a month, to see what language customers are using to report issues.

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Create new online form so customers can report voltage issues (Dec 2024)


On Track