

Data Quality Management


What we will do and why

Oversight and coordination of data quality related activities to develop common best practice, uncover and prioritise key issues and ensure interventions are effective and sustained.

Key deliverables

  • Data quality rules library.
  • Data quality dashboards.
  • Data quality issues assessment.
  • Intervention action plans.

Target outcomes

  • Data quality improvement.
  • System alignment.
  • Increased confidence and trust in data.

Measures of success

  • Baseline assessment of data quality for key data assets.
  • Extent of enduring monitoring for across key data assets.
  • Improvement in data quality.

Stakeholder Engagement

We have created an internal community of data quality enthusiasts who we engage on the creation of a framework and accelerators, as well as sharing our approach with other Distribution Network Operators via ENA groups, which has helped us to develop simple and friendly data quality metrics. Individual data quality improvement works involve relevant stakeholders in agreeing the extent of the issue and suitable fixes.

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Data owner metrics in place (Jul 2024)
  • Data quality proactive monitoring campaign (Jul 2024)
  • Priority data quality monitoring on new application (Aug 2024)
  • Data quality rule review (Jul 2025)


On Track

Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

Priority data quality monitoring on new application milestone status got changed from delayed to on track as we overcame the issues with the tool configration, and are now loading data quality checks into the tool.

Data quality proactive monitoring campaign milestone is on track.

24.12.2023 Update

The data quality toolkit milestone was replaced with a focus on metrics. The milestone for use of the new application was pushed back from December 2023 to July 2024 as implementation is ongoing.

Status updates were added along with a stakeholder engagement section.