

Flexibility Market Platform


What we will do and why

An online platform facilitating the procurement and management of flexibility - from registration and qualification through to performance assessment and market settlement.

Key deliverables

  • Simplified user experience through the flexibility process.
  • Support for day-ahead flexibility procurement.
  • Range of APIs to support integration with Distribution Network Operator and flex provider systems.
  • Market Platform launched to flex Providers in February 2024.
  • Early stakeholder feedback on Market Platform used to refine user experience.
  • Expanded procurement of day ahead flexibility to 16th May.

Target outcomes

  • Increased flex provider satisfaction.
  • Increased supply of flexibility.
  • Increased competition for flexibility opportunities.
  • Improved coordination between Distributed System Operators and Electricity System Operator.

Measures of success

  • Customer and stakeholder satisfaction.

Stakeholder Engagement

Platform requirements were shaped by engagement with flexibility providers, both bilaterally (particularly through the tender process) and through three flexibility forums during 2023. We have another in-person flexibility forum planned for January 2024 to provide the vision for the platform and validate stakeholder priorities.

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Launch of tender process (Jul 2023)
  • Initial deployment of the flexibility platform (Apr 2024)
  • Deployment of long term tenders (May 2024)
  • Deliver priority updates to the platform (Mar 2026)



Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

The project scope has been delivered, but the project has been extended to March 2026 to further develop the platform in line with user feedback on additional functionality and user experience. A new milestone has been added for these updates.

24.12.2023 Update

Initial deployment of the platform changed from December 2023 target date due to delays, expected to now be early 2024. More detailed information to be released in 2024. A summary of stakeholder engagement has been added to this initiative page.