Network Planning Tool
What we will do and why
The project focuses on integrating planning databases to streamline network planning activities. This integration will enable better data management, improved planning accuracy, and more efficient resource allocation.
Key deliverables
- New Network Planning tool with role-based access for other stakeholders to access relevant data.
Target outcomes
- The tool will support the current and future needs of Network Planning teams, DSO, Connections Directorate, and external customers.
- Reduced manual intervention, improved transparency and increased internal customer satisfaction.
- Enhanced information available for customers to self-serve prior to making an application.
Measures of success
- Improved customer service scores.
- An increase in the proportion of connection applications that are accepted, and a decrease in the number of speculative applications that do not progress.
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder engagement carried out through the Trading Connections NIA project across 2024 highlighted the importance of publishing network capacity data more regularly, including taking into account ongoing connection applications.
We will carry out more stakeholder engagement in early 2025 to understand how to publish network capacity data in a way that best meets customer needs.
Planned start:
Target completion:
Key milestones:
- First phase development (Jan 2025)
- First phase testing (Feb 2025)
- Legacy data migrated into the new system (Feb 2025)
- Tool in use by Network Planning (Mar 2025)
- Datasets published externally for customers to access (Apr 2025)
- Second phase development (Apr 2025)
- Second phase user testing (May 2025)
- Tool in use by all intended stakeholders (Jun 2025)
On Track