



What we will do and why

Guidelight addresses a lack of understanding of LCT usages, network services like flexibility, and digital technologies to optimise energy consumption, among low-income and vulnerable households participating in local retrofit initiatives.

This project is funded through the Strategic Innovation Fund, which works in three phases. If successful for a subsequent phase then the end date and other details will change.

Key deliverables

  • An Open Access Toolkit of social and technical interventions such as educational videos, vulnerability checklist, smart apps, smart sensors

Target outcomes

  • Tailored services to educate and support vulnerable customers in the energy transition

Measures of success

  • Agreed design of the toolkit with project partners
  • Progression of the innovation project from SIF Alpha to SIF Beta

Stakeholder Engagement

Working with local authorities and academic researches to understand the scale of the problem. If this project is successful, we will have follow on activity to test and validate the effectiveness of the toolkit and iterate design.

Public Detailed Docs

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Preliminary research (Feb 2024)
  • Toolkit design and evaluation (Apr 2024)



Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

Project successfully completed in 2024. No other changes than overall project and Milestones status.

27.12.2023 Update

This was added to the DSAP in December 2023 as it was identified as a new strategic digital initiative since our first publication of the action plan in July 2023.