

HV Auto Quote


What we will do and why

Deliver an online self serve tool that provides customers with budget estimates for connection applications between 300kVA to 2.5MVA and connection offers for those between 300kVA to 1MVA applications.

Key deliverables

  • Integrated geospatial tool for customer optioneering.
  • Acceptable connection offers for customers.

Target outcomes

  • Meet the anticipated 40% increase in connection applications.
  • Improve customer service and reduce average time to quote (ATTQ).

Measures of success

  • Increased customer uptake.
  • Improvement in accuracy of quote.
  • Improved customer satisfaction scores.
  • Increase in productivity and efficiency.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engagement with a wide variety of target customers at events and through online sessions to validate and tailor the customer journey and inform design decisions. Engagement across SPN, EPN, and LPN connections, in addition to Regulatory and Legal teams to ensure integration with existing processes and procedures and prepare for user acceptance.

Public Detailed Docs

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Go-live Part 1 Integrated geospatial tool for customer optioneering (Mar 2024)
  • Provision of business metrics (Mar 2024) (Mar 2024)
  • Go-live Part 2 Acceptable connection offers for customers (Aug 2024)



Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

Go live milestone was split into two parts to better track the delivery progress. The first part (Integrated geospatial tool) is now complete, the second part (Full Go Live) was changed from 03/2024 due to unforeseen technical challenges.

23.12.2023 Update

Reworded the description to add further clarity about this initiative, with a summary of stakeholder engagement and a link to more information. Due to delays, the target date of the initiative and both milestones changed from end of 2023 to March 2024.