

Local Area Energy Planning Tools


What we will do and why

Development of local and national policy planning functionality to model the impact of policy decisions on investment in network infrastructure. This includes self-service tool "CLEO" to support local authorities in the design and development of local area energy plans (LAEP).

Key deliverables

  • A web based tool enabling optioneering, data visualisation, collaboration, education and planning.

Target outcomes

  • Supporting local authorities in policy making decision.
  • Unlock network investment with local authority plan certainty.
  • Greater ability to carry out forward looking network planning.

Measures of success

  • Stakeholders satisfaction KPIs.
  • Increased engagement with local authorities.
  • Positive evaluation against our DSO objectives.
  • Ensuring network capacity is available where and when required to enable net zero.

Stakeholder Engagement

We put local authority users at the centre of the digital tool development, partnering with design thinking specialists and other delivery partners under Project CLEO (Collaborative Local Energy Optimisation). From the start local authority users, local stakeholders (community energy groups) and Local Area Energy Plan Practitioners that work with local authorities (consultants) have been at the centre of tool development. We ran interviews and in-depth design workshops, using collaborative ideation to visualise the tools workings, developing prototypes, hosting user groups and moderated testing of the tool. We launched the beta program earlier this year, continually shaping the development of the tool with councils.

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Rollout working prototype (Apr 2023)
  • Launch minimum viable product and subsequent updates (Oct 2023)
  • Launch in Production (Jun 2024)



Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

Overall project status changed from complete to extended because one milestone (Launch in production) has been added to reflect continuous improvement.

Original milestone (Launch MVP(minimum viable product) and subsequent updates) got split into 2 parts because the original milestones were not accurate. First part (MVP and subsequent updates) was complete in October 2023 (due date changed from June 2024 to October 2023). Second part (Launch in production) goes into production in June 2024.

24.12.2023 Update

We added links to additional information and added a summary of our stakeholder engagement as part of this work.