Storm Enhancement
What we will do and why
Automating our messaging system to send SMS alerts quicker in the event of a fault on the distribution network, implementing proactive email communications and single premise smart meter interactions.
Key deliverables
- Automated messaging system.
- New method of proactive email communications.
Target outcomes
- Expedited messaging and call channelling.
- Improved messaging during multiple day events.
- More efficient and timely response to customer calls.
Measures of success
- Improved customer satisfaction scores.
- Reduction in incoming calls.
Stakeholder Engagement
The ability to set Estimated Times of Restoration (ETR) multiple days in advance for major storms came from free format customer feedback on our ETR strategy following Storm Eunice. The visualisation of our text message journey originated through discussion of good practice with our telephony partner, and is based on similar public sector approaches.
Planned start:
Target completion:
Key milestones:
- Visualise the text message journey for customers (Mar 24)
- Ability to set ETR’s for multiple days in advance for major storms (Sep 23)
- Extend Natural language processing to the power cuts line (Dec 23)
Date of change | Category | Description |
28.06.2024 | Update |
Project successfully completed in 2024. No other changes than overall project status and last Milestone (Visualise the text message journey for customers) status. |
22.12.2023 | Update |
Added stakeholder engagement summary, provided milestones status with a change to Milestone 1’s date from July 2023 to March 2024 to allow for greater detail in mapping. |