Two-Way Payments
What we will do and why
Introduction of contemporary digital payment methods for inbound and outbound customer transactions.
Key deliverables
- Contemporary digitally enabled payment system.
Target outcomes
- Quicker inbound and outbound payments.
- Reduction in cheque based payments.
- More secure customer transactions.
Measures of success
- Improved cashflow with shorter delays.
- Reduced bank charges.
- Improved customer satisfaction through faster payment.
- Reduction in payment related administration.
Stakeholder Engagement
On a weekly basis we ran project working group meetings with all the key business process owners and fortnightly steering groups with SMTs to update on the progress being made of the deliverables along with clear monitoring of risks, issues and actions across the board. We conducted internal and external customer review of the online payment portal usage prior to rollout and took corrective actions to improve customer journey for their ease of adoption, conducting internal testing before the functionality is launched for UK Power Networks’ customers
Planned start:
Target completion:
Key milestones:
- Outbound payments user acceptance testing (Sep 2022)
- Customer care outbound payments (Oct 2022)
- Outbound go live (Oct 2022)
- Inbound functionality testing (Apr 2023)
- Inbound Go Live (Jul 2023)
- Outbound payments for WPS - (Cancelled)
Date of change | Category | Description |
The core functionalities (inbound/outbound payments) got delivered in 2023. Both milestones Inbound and Outbound Go-live statuses got updated to Complete as well as their completion dates. Milestone Outbounds payments for WPS (Wireless payment system) has been cancelled and the project completed. Additional functionality and continuous development of the solution is to be addressed through Business as usual. Outputs got changed. |
22.12.2023 | Update |
Target date changed from October 2023 to March 2024. Additional milestones provided with more detail added to existing milestones. More detail about stakeholder engagement was also added. |