

AI Enablement


What we will do and why

Exploration of the potential use of contemporary cognitive and generative Artificial Intelligence capabilities, assessing the feasibility of proposed use cases, their value and impact.

Key deliverables

  • Proof of Concept (PoC) GenAI Application.
  • High level adoption plan with various options.
  • AI Value Assessment.
  • Targeted, prioritised deployment AI.

Target outcomes

  • AI Implementation strategy and roadmap.
  • Automation and augmentation of manual processes.
  • Enhanced services and experiences.
  • Reduced cost to serve.

Measures of success

  • Reduction in service delivery timescales.
  • Customer Satisfaction.
  • Employee Satisfaction.
  • Increased productivity.
  • Cost reduction.

Stakeholder Engagement

Held workshops with directors supported by external partners, as well as extensive internal requirements gathering, engagement of staff through department meetings and surveys of staff. We are working with partners to deliver chat bot functionality, and will engage customers for testing later in development.

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • AI chat functionality Go-live (storm information) (Mar 2023)
  • GenAI Proof of Concept (Dec 2023)
  • AI value assessment (copilot) (Dec 2023)
  • AI Strategy & Roadmap (Dec 2023)
  • MS Coplot 365 roll out (Mar 2024
  • AI customer chat bot on website (Dec2024)
  • Connections AI e-mail routing (Dec 2024)



Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

Due to additional scope the overall project end date got extended from March 2024 to December 2024. Two new Milestones were added (MS Copilot 365 roll out and Connections AI email routing).

22.12.2023 Update

The project completion date was changed from December 2023 to March 2024 due to the complexity of the proof of concept. Milestones for GenAI Proof of Concept and AI Value Assessment due date was changed from October to end of year, and a new milestone added for a second planned chat bot