

Open Data


What we will do and why

Development, expansion and enhancement of the Open Data Portal and associated services.

Key deliverables

  • Open & shared datasets to meet prevailing data user demand.
  • Data catalogue.
  • Bespoke user interfaces and packing of data.

Target outcomes

  • Increased access and utilisation of energy system data.
  • Facilitation of open innovation.
  • Enablement of third party use cases.
  • Enhanced user experience.
  • Increased customer and stakeholder satisfaction.

Measures of success

  • Count of registered Open Data Portal users.
  • Count of data downloads and API calls.
  • Value derived from data, services and use cases.
  • Open data stakeholder and user satisfaction.

Stakeholder Engagement

Chair the Open Data Working Group in the energy sector – We are driving alignment on Open Data structure, terminology, licensing, and coordination with national and cross-sector initiatives, to enable greater consistency and reliability for data users interacting with the energy system.

We were the first GB DNO (Distribution Network operator) to adopt the Open data soft platform in 2021, applying learnings from French utility Enedis via the International Utility Working Group. Since then, we have actively shared our approach with other GB and Northern Ireland DNOs, including sharing code from our Open Data Portal and publishing our methodologies. Four network operators have since adopted the same platform as us and we have offered to test their portals.

We continue to share thought leadership based on our learnings. Our “Open Data and the Law” article explores the emerging tensions between the desire to open up data and the legislative or regulatory requirements that protect customer privacy, as well as security concerns.

Our triage assessment was used by all DNOs to release smart meter consumption data. Northern Ireland Electricity Networks, Scottish Southern Electricity Network-Transmission and the water sector’s Open Data initiative have also adopted our data triage approach. Our data triage thought leadership and our extensive use of engagement to shape our approach have been recognised as globally leading by Opendatasoft, who invited us to share our leading practice with European counterparts at their Energy Data Summit 2023.

Imparting our experience and expertise to Stream – the water sector Open Data initiative – as a Steering Group member.

Planned start:


Target completion:


Key milestones:

  • Open Data Portal Licence Upgrade / Extension (Jun 2023)
  • Near real time substation data use case (Dec 2023)
  • Substation forecast data use case (Dec 2023)
  • Dublin Core Metadata API Integration (Dec 2024)


On Track

Date of change Category Description
28.06.2024 Update

Milestones Near real time Licence Upgrade & Substation forecast data use case are completed.

22.12.2023 Update

More detail about stakeholder engagement was added, along with links of where to find more detail.